We need your help!

Festa celebrates the wonderful community of Dobbs Ferry—our families, friends, our local businesses and organizations, and our vibrant downtown area. Now in its 19th year, Ferry Festa is a free event organized by the Village, its residents, with support from the Village of Dobbs Ferry Local Development Corporation.

Your sponsorship helps support economic development in Dobbs Ferry, and it allows us to spread the word about Ferry Festa in local publications, through social media, and with banners and signs. You’re also helping to keep the event safe and clean with services provided by the Village. We offer different levels of sponsorship to give everyone a chance to help out—residents and businesses.


Choose Your Sponsorship Level


Festa Sponsor

Sponsor business logos appear on:

  • Listed on Festa website

  • All newspaper Festa advertisements

  • Social media “thank you” posts

Individual (non-business) sponsors will be listed on Festa website and in social media “thank you” posts.

Festa Super sponsor

Super Sponsor business logos appear on:

  • Prominently on Festa website

  • Prominently on all newspaper Festa advertisements

  • Social media “thank you” posts

Individual (non-business) Super Sponsors will be listed prominently on Festa website and in social media “thank you” posts.


Inquire for sponsorship to downtowndobbsferry@gmail.com